Printed Hungarian publications | |
1 | “Belarusian victims of Soviet terror, or the horrible secret of the Kuropati forest”. In: Múlt-Kor Historical Magazine, 2010, Winter, IV. („A szovjetterror fehérorosz áldozatai, avagy a Kuropati erdő borzalmas titka”. In: Múlt-Kor Történelmi Magazin) |
2 | „Dare to lead: the Eastern Partnership and the Hungarian EU Presidency.” In: European Spirit: EU Presidency of Hungary 2011, Priorities and Opportunities. (“Merjünk nagyok lenni: a Keleti Partnerség és a magyar EU-elnökség” In: Európai Szellem: Мagyarország EU-elnöksége). Issue 1, Budapest. December 2010. 55-72 p. |
3 | “Kuropati: The Grave of a Nation.” Selected articles on the history of Russia and the Soviet Union. („Kuropati: egy nemzet tömegsírja.” In: Európa Peremén. Válogatott írások Oroszország és Szovjetunió történetéről.) Pages 245-272. MOSZT Books 6, University of Pécs, Pécs, 2013. ISSN 1416-0986 |
4 | “Investments in Ukraine”. In: Eastern Europe Studies 11, („Befektetések Ukrajnában”. In: Kelet-Európa Tanulmányok 11.), 67-77. p. December 2015 ISBN 978-963-301-630-5, ISSN 1789-0829 |
5 | “Investments in Belarus”. In: Eastern Europe Studies 11, („Befektetések Belaruszban”. In: Kelet-Európa Tanulmányok 11.), 54-66. p. December 2015 ISBN 978-963-301-630-5, ISSN 1789-0829 |
6 | “George Friedman – from teachers’s desk to the geopolitical negotiating table.” („George Friedman – A katedrától a geopolitika tárgyalóasztaláig.”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2016 / I. 76-81. p. ISSN: 2498-647X |
7 | “Stratfor Forecast: 2015-2025”. („Stratfor prognózis: 2015-2025”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics, 2016 / I. 96-105. p. ISSN: 2498-647X. |
8 | “Geopolitical Futures: The World in 2016.” („Geopolitical Futures: A világ 2016-ban.”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics, 2016 / I. 106-108. p. ISSN: 2498-647X |
9 | “At the forefront of the world: rankings of the best universities.” („A világ élvonalában: a legjobb egyetemek rangsorai.”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics, 2016 / II. 44-51. p. ISSN: 2498-647X. |
10 | “New era of commercial spy satellites.” („A kereskedelmi kémműholdak új korszaka.”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics, 2016 / II. 182-185. p. ISSN: 2498-647X. |
11 | “One hundred years of the Trans-Siberian railway line.” („A transzszibériai vasútvonal száz éve.”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics, 2016 / IV. 118-127. p. ISSN: 2498-647X. |
12 | “Russia 2050″, („Oroszország 2050”). In: Hungarian Geopolitics, 2017 / II, 120-123. side. ISSN: 2498-647X. |
13 | “Geopolitical Opinion Survey 2018.” („Geopolitikai közvéleménykutatás 2018.”). Edited by Anton Bendarjevskiy (Anton Bendarzsevszkij) and László Gere. February 2019. 110 pages. ISSN: 2631-1356 |
14 | Anton Bendarjevskiy (Anton Bendarzsevszij) and Kinga Szálkai: “Russia”. In: Security Policy Corvins ( „Oroszország”. In: Biztonságpolitikai Corvinák). Edited by: Kinga Szálkai, Tamás Péter Baranyi, E. Luca Szarka. József Antall Knowledge Center, Budapest, 2019. 311-346 pp. ISBN: 978-615-5559-51-8 |
15 | „Belarus is moving to the east”. In: Mandiner, III/8. February 25, 2021 |
16 | „Putin has fulfilled his goals”. In: Mandiner, III/16. April 22, 2021 |
International publications | |
1 | „Dare to lead: the Eastern Partnership and the Hungarian EU Presidency.” In: European Spirit: EU Presidency of Hungary 2011, Priorities and Opportunities. ENG, Budapest. December 2010. |
2 | “Russia’s Image in the world: Bears, Vodka and Communism”) In: Perevodika, January 2, 2010. (Russian). |
3 | Poland-Romania-Ukraine: the Triangle of Strategic Alliance, Created by Putin. In: Institute of World Policy, 2015.08.07. |
4 | Poland-Romania-Ukraine: the Triangle of Strategic Alliance, Created by Putin. (Польща–Румунія–Україна: трикутник стратегічної співпраці, створений Путіним). In: European Pravda (Європейська правда), August 2015. |
5 | „The mass grave of a nation”. In: We love history magazine. |
6 | “Cream of the Crop: Rankings of the Best Universities”. In:, 2017.01.10. |
7 | “From the Cathedral to the Geopolitical Negotiating Table”. In:, 2017.03.20. |
8 | “New era of commercial satellites.” In:, 2017.11.17. |
9 | “100 Years of the Trans-Siberian Railway”. In:, 2018.02.22. |
10 | “The new “Great Game” in Central Asia”. In:, 2019.04.08. |
11 | “Eastern Partnership 2030 Trends”, Economy and Technology chapter. In: Visegrad Insight, November 2019. Res Publica. |
12 | “Eastern European #Futures”, Economy and Technology chapter. In: Visegrad Insight, 1(16) 2020, ISSN 2084-8250, special edition. Coauthor. |
13 | “A Worrying Vision. Eastern Europe ten years ahead”. In: Visegrad Insight, 14 April 2020. |
14 | „Predict. Prevent. Stop. Lessons learned from Covid-19 pandemic”. In: V4 countries and the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, Danube Institute. January 29, 2021. |
15 | „The Future Prospects of the V4”. In: Danube Institute, March 31, 2021. |
Editor of Hungarian magazines | |
1 | “Russia elects it’s president 2012”. Kitekintő Analytical magazine, March 2, 2012. Editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
2 | “Ukraine: elections 2012.” Kitekintő Analytical magazine, 26 October, 2012. Editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
3 | “Presidential election in Belarus 2015.” Kitekintő Analytical magazine, October 10, 2015. Editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij |
4 | PAIGEO Policy Brief. The 29-part series was published between 2016-2019. I was the founder as well as editor of the series. ISSN 2498-7697. |
5 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2016 / 1. (March) 214 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
6 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2016 / 2. (July) 214 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
7 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2016 / 3. (September) 194 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
8 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2016 / 4. (December) 194 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
9 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2017 / 5. (April) 206 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
10 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2017 / 6. (July) 206 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
11 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2017 / 7. (October) 208 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
12 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2017 / 8. (December) 208 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
13 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2018 / 9. (March) 220 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
14 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2018 / 10. (September) 208 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
15 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2018 / 11. (December) 220 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
16 | Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG), 2019 / 12. (February) 208 pages. ISSN: 2498-647X. Managing editor: Anton Bendarzsevszkij. |
Hungarian online publications | |
1 | From February 2020 over 250 articles published in print and online on one of the biggest Hungarian daily newspaper, Magyar Nemzet. |
1 | Over 500 articles published on between 2009-2015. Kitekintő was the biggest Hungarian foreign policy news outlet. Unfortunately after Kitekintő went bankrupt in 2016, the archive of the articles was lost. |
2 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 2: War threat in Ukraine. In: 08/12/2016. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-6. p. |
3 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 5: World Economic Forum 2017. In: 01/31/2017. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-12. p. (Co-authored) |
4 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 6: Munich Conference on Security Policy 2017. In: 02/28/2017. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-10. p. (Co-authored) |
5 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 11: The 2017 Beijing Belt and Road Forum. In: 06/01/2017. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-14. p. (Co-authored). |
6 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 13: The 2017 BRICS Summit. In: 09/11/2017. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-10. p. (Co-authored). |
7 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 21: BRICS 2018. In: 08/06/2018. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-15. p. (Co-authored). |
8 | PAGEO – Policy Brief 26: G20 Summit 2018. In: 07/12/2018. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-11. p. (Co-authored). |
9 | “The new “Great Game” in Central Asia”. In:, January 22, 2019 Co-authored with Viktor Eszterhai. |
10 | PAIGEO – Policy Brief 28: World Economic Forum 2019. In: 02/01/2019. ISSN 2498-7697. 1-11. p. (Co-authored). |
11 | “On the wings of popularity: opportunities and risks in Zelenskiy’s Ukraine”. In: KKI Elemzések, E-2019/42, October 2019. ISSN 2416-0148. |
12 | “How was the relationship of Russia and China in the last twenty years (Hogyan alakult át Oroszország és Kína kapcsolata az elmúlt húsz évben?)”. In: KKI Elemzések, E-2021/17, September 2021. In pdf. |