Az elmúlt évek emlékezetes munka-pillanatai
Az elmúlt évek emlékezetes munka-pillanatai
Az elmúlt évek emlékezetes munka-pillanatai
FP001586DSCF3986 (web)RTL Klub_20240220Hit rádióAI_Summit_hadi_kerekai_summit_BendarzsevszkijAntonFP001513DSCF7062FP001517HírTvIndex KibeszélőMfor rendezvényKDNP_LakitelekP1112556-Enhanced-NRDSCF6485Index Kibeszélő 2023.02.23.IMG_3059Tranzit-Tihany-2023-152Tranzit-Tihany-2023-153Tranzit-Tihany-2023-156bendarzsevszkij_anton_AI_SummitTusnadP1004610Index_2Index_kibeszélő_2022.02.16.MLSZKSZ_02_March3ZIRO2056ZIRO2112DSCF6339bDSCF6356P1027142P1027108P1038250P1027718P1027882P1027858polip_egyesület_01polip_egyesület_02energiavalsag_belso1BLAarena – Gázvita a magyar-ukrán-orosz háromszögben. 2021. október 568d4e5e4-8a51-4a2c-8c31-ecfa2986e9c97e51dc06-0518-4f7f-b3ee-0478d6e7fb16energiavalsag_nyitoBook publishing event, 2019Book publishing event, 2019Book publishing event, 2019With Mr. Yukon Huang, former director of World Bank, 2018Panel discussion with Mr. Janos Martonyi - former minister of foreign affairs of Hungary, and Mr. Yukon Huang, former director of WorldbankThe New World Order conference, 2018WorkingGiving interview to HírTv, 2018The New World Order conference, 2018GeoDebates oxford style debate panel, October 2018GeoDebates oxford style debate panel, October 2018GeoDebates oxford style debate panel, October 2018Focus on Ukraine event. Together with the ambassador of Ukraine, Mrs. Liubov Nepop, Mr. Andras Racz and Evhen Magda.Interview to Hungarian national television about tensions with Russia, 2018Giving interview to Hungarian National Television, 2017Mr. Tomohiko Taniguchi, special advisor for Japan's prime minister, Mr. Abe Shinzo. March 2019In front of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. 2011In the city of Chernobyl. 2011.Lamfalussy banquet, 2016Book review event, 2018Round table discussion with ambassador of Russia to Hungary, Mr. Vladimir Sergeyev. University of National Public Service, 2016Round table discussion with ambassador of Russia to Hungary, Mr. Vladimir Sergeyev. University of National Public Service, 2016Round table discussion with ambassador of Russia to Hungary, Mr. Vladimir Sergeyev. University of National Public Service, 2016At conference in Brussels, 2017New World Order conference, 2017The New World Order conference 2017Euro-Sino Economic Research Award, 2017.Round table discussion with ambassador of Ukraine to Hungary, Mrs. Liubov Nepop. University of National Public Service, 2017Round table discussion with ambassador of Ukraine to Hungary, Mrs. Liubov Nepop. University of National Public Service, 2017Belt&Road Forum 2018WorkingSpeaking about Russia and EU at Hungarian National Television, 2016Interview to the Hungarian National Television, 2018PMAA6771bGeoDebates oxford style debates, 2018GeoDebates oxford style debates, 2018GeoDebates oxford style debates, 2018Fudan University, Shanghai, 2017Inside the Chernobyl exclusion zone, 2011.Book review event, 2018At Khorgos dry port, KazakhstanGiving interview, 2018Conference in Saint Petersburg, 2016Belt and Road Summit, Hong Kong, 2017Belt and Road Summit, Hong Kong, 201816+1 Forum, Budapest 201716+1 Forum, Budapest 201716+1 Forum, Budapest 201716+1 Forum, Budapest 2017Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, 2018Filming in Brest, Belarus